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Education as a way to new technological procedures

Technological progress is continuous process of which we are and continue to want to remain an active part. It became clear to us, that ongoing education and schooling is beneficial for the advancement of the entire team. Apart of the courses of web design in our administrative department, we are proud of our electrical programmers, […]

Summer installations

Our busy time comes during the planned factory brakes in the summer months. Installations of the new equipment into existing production lines or their complete automation. This type of roller conveyor with sliding forks, feeds 3 robots at the same time. This is also a solution to increase the production capacity. Our workshop in full […]

Robotic workstation

Request from the customer we have received this time, was to design robotic workstation for loading and unloading with integrated transport system for full pallets and the baseboards before the input to the drill. Workplace description: Prepared pallets and baseboards are manually transported by operator on the transport trolley to the roller conveyor mounted on […]

Vacuum grippers UniGrippers

The vacuum grippers UniGripper became part of our solutions from the very beginning of our activity. Swedish reliability, clean design solutions and simple maintenance, lead us to decision to become representative of the foam grippers UniGripper for Slovak market. We are happy to found reliable partner, who shares our innovative views and reacts to fast […]

Automatic lines and their accessories

A well-functioning line consists of many, often “invisible” components that play an irreplaceable part in its productivity. For us, ti´s customary to include those accessories in our designs from the very beginning of the process. They facilitate operation, ensure safety and, last but not least, the functionality of the entire automation. In case we are […]

PF 2023

Vážení obchodní partneri, ďakujeme Vám za spoluprácu v uplynulom roku a do nového roka 2023 Vám želáme veľa šťastia, zdravia, osobných a pracovných úspechov. Dear business partners, thank you for your cooperation during the past year and we wish you a lot of happiness, health, and successful business year 2023.

Labeling and boxes packaging

In our applications we are using the Ink-jet printer APLINK MRX Series, for marking the packing materials. This printer is designed for mass production labeling in high definition for packing materials as FEFCO 410. Printing of lines, animation, logos, barcodes GS1 and RQ codes in high quality. ink-jet printer for injections using ECO mineral ink […]

Installations during production holidays

Summer months are significant time for our production planning. We are mainly focused on servicing the existing lines and update already established systems. Just when our customers leave for planned factory holidays, we service their lines and automatic workstations for the smooth production after their return. Installations during the summer production stops The installation of […]

Single – purpose devices

The requirements of our customers are mainly focused on automation of the “in between” activities during the production. It mainly requires handling of finalized products, depalletization and transport of the entire pallet. This are our last designs and manufactured single-purpose machines: stacking machines gluing machines carton folding machines pneumatic or electric guide particle turning devices […]

Vážení zákazníci,

naša firma bude od 14.8. do 29.8.2023 čerpať celozávodnú dovolenku.

Predajňa hutného materiálu, zostáva pre Vás otvorená aj počas dovolenky.

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