Technological progress is continuous process of which we are and continue to want to remain an active part.
It became clear to us, that ongoing education and schooling is beneficial for the advancement of the entire team. Apart of the courses of web design in our administrative department, we are proud of our electrical programmers, who have gained higher degree in the field of electrical revisions. AUTOMATICA has now its inspection technicians for electrical installation.

“Education is learning what you didn´t even know you din´t know”.
– Daniel J. Boorstin
Specific work procedures - work in heights
Installation of the conveyor track, who is designed to transport pallets from the production hall. This track is 4300 mm height. Assembly of the conveyors on the track construction required specially trained personnel who were secured by ropes and had climbing equipment.

In addition to mandatory training for welders, mounters or electricians, we are always open to the willingness of our employees to increase their specialization and continue in professional growth.